Friday, February 28, 2020

Kitkat-nestle Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Kitkat-nestle - Research Paper Example Each of the fingers can be separately snapped from the bar. Bars have 2 or 4 fingers typically. Introduction Of Nestle in UAE Nestle’s first official presence in Middle East was in 1934 in Lebanon. It has grown then in the entire region and operating companies has been opened in every country of Middle East except Iraq and Yemen. In these two countries, selling and distribution of products is done through agents. The regional head office of Nestle was established in Middle East in Dubai in the year 1997. Currently, the activities are focussed on 13 countries of Middle East. Business Nestle is into food industry. They products in every food sector from infant food for children to chocolates, beverages, frozen food, seasoning, water, tea, coffee, ice creams etc for adults to pet care food for pets. Their product Kit Kat has its separate marketing and it is into the chocolate business with a range of different Kit Kat flavours. Organizations that market the brand Business activit ies of market In terms of retail and distribution, the market of Middle East can be characterised compared to others. There are three trade clusters in Middle East. The first includes countries like UAE, Qatar, Oman, Bahrain where top retailers account for more than 50% of sales. In this environment, the business is much more skewed towards hypermarkets, supermarkets and key accounts. In the second cluster, the top retailers make up less than 30% of business which includes countries like Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Lebanon. In the third cluster, the top retailers account for less than 5% of business. It includes countries like Yemen, Iraq, Iran, Palestine and Syria. The United Arab Emirates forms a large part of developed trade environment where the key accounts, supermarkets, hypermarkets, typically Lulu, the Coop, Carrefour and Spinneys represent the majority of sales. SWOT analysis of Kit Kat Strength The chosen company is such that it is very difficult to consider its weakness in p romoting their chocolate. The way in which Kit Kat Company is promoting its product is very strong. They make a discount when consumer buys large pieces. It also has many factories which increases and improves the sales of company. Maximizing the distribution of the product is very strong to achieve the goals for any company to have many consumers and gaining profits like the Kit Kat Company does. The way that retailers promote the Kit Kat chocolate is different. Good retailers should help the customers to observe the chocolate in the supermarket in a good way to sell more. For example, when we went to the see how supermarkets promote our product that we chose, we saw big differences in the amount of the Kit Kat chocolate in each store like in Al-Hadaf Supermarket, there are many sections provide different types of Kit Kat. Kit Kat chocolate is a familiar over the world because it has been produce for a long time. The company shows many advertisements and puts many billboards on gro ceries and big markets. Their slogan of Kit Kat â€Å"

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