Thursday, January 23, 2020

Avenged Sevenfold Essay -- Music

There are two ways to live life, for instance you can live as if nothing is a miracle, or you can live as if everything is a miracle. Be thankful for everything you have and realize the importance of spending as much time as possible with a loved one. There are some things that must be understood about life. For instance there are some things in life that you do not want to happen but no matter how hard you try it still happens. It is tough to get everything you want. You can’t rely on the future because you never know what is coming. The reality is that the future is now, and we create our own as we make critical decisions that can affect us in a positive or in a negative way. We must live in the present, forget about the past and see what the future holds for us. In support of this, the song â€Å"Seize the Day† by Avenged Sevenfold explains the importance of making decisions and how one gnomish decision could affect some ones life dramatically. First of all, the band was formed in 1999 in Orange County, California. The very first album was recorded when the band members were just eighteen years old and in high school. This goes to show that when there is a will, there is a way. This means that when someone is actually willing to do something and committed to doing it, they will do it and will not care what comes their way. The bands name is Avenged Sevenfold in which the name is a reference to the Book of Genesis in the Bible. To be more specific, it comes from Genesis 4:24 where Cain is sentenced to live in exile for murdering his brother. God marked him so that none would kill him on account of his sin, the man who dared to kill Cain would suffer "vengeance seven times over". The abbreviation for Avenged Sevenfold came from... ... for granted. The entire band is trying to make you understand that when you are caught in a drift you have to know what to do or else you will just be carried around everywhere the current takes you. All you have to do is, really think about what you doing and that are if it is the correct chose. The members of the band may not have been the brightest in school academically but they bring to the fans things to think about. This shows that everyone is not what they seem to be sometimes. Behind this musicale, hard core party band, they are really down to earth and know how to make a point in their songs. Now, not all of there songs are this way and not artist write about the same thing, and this is what makes this band different from all the other bands. They take risks on writing songs of uncommon things that no typical rock or alternative band would write about.

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